Our company has a track record of nearly three decades. Continuous developments during this period made it possible to play a major role in the pallet production. Our specialty is the dried pallet production including its important part, the pressed pallet block, which is in mass production since 2010.
The range of our customers is diverse; our partners represent many industrial sectors. Vast majority of our customer contact is based on many years of cooperation and on mutual satisfaction. Characteristics of our company are predictable order fulfillment and consistent quality.
You can find our milling company in Nyíracsád, Asszonyrész. On the premises, you can find six high capacity and modern drying machine and a covered warehouse space of 1500 m2.
Our company is a major player on the labor market in the region, ensuring stable workplace for the local residents in the area.
Our developments
1992-2003: our first improvements started with purchasing a semi-automated pallet nailing machine, followed by the modernization of the sawmill and we were the first in the country who purchased and used a drying machine
2003: as a result of our investment, started in 2003, the new part of our establishment was built, where we currently produce uniquely pressed pallet blocks in Hungary, which may gain market priority, not just because its appearance, but due to its dimensional accuracy and low moisture content. The factory, beyond the own needs, sells significant quantities, yearly 6-7000 m3 both for domestic and abroad use. This investment is significant also from the environmental point of view, since all the waste wood produced during the many phases of the pallet production can be recycled.
2005-2007: during the years, we extended our drying capacity and established the covered edifice, where the dried products can be stored. Currently we can say, we can machine dry pallet, ca. 8 000 pieces/week and store 30 000 pieces of dried pallet at once. We also increased size of the solid paved area, making internal goods handling and loading easier.
2010: our manufacturing technology broadened with new nailing machinery, and we installed a new furnace, which meets the environmental requirements.
Currently: production technology of the pressed pallet block is being replaced and robotized, enabling the current production capacity to be 15000 m3/year, which means ca. two-and-a-half-times increase compared to the previous one.
Since its foundation, our company considers it important to provide a stable workplace for the local residents in the area. We employ 35 people per year in average.
What we are proud of
Our company was the first in Hungary granted a manufacturing authorization.
Pressed block patent
Honorex Kft. has a track record of nearly three decades. In our modern workshops we were the first to build and use drying machines, with which’ support we can decrease moisture content of the wood to an adequate value. This procedure improves timber’s mechanical properties and boosts its resilience, on one hand, and the wood takes its final size on the other.
Our company has been producing pressed blocks since 15 years, during this time manufacturing technology was adapted to the Hungarian raw materials, was developed and subsequently patented.
Our mission/motto:
“If calm of predictability, and nearly 30 year professional experience are important also for you, then chose our company as your partner! We will help you to find a solution to any of your need! “
Ferenc Hárnási, Head of Production, Honorex Kft.
We recommend ourselves to our future partners, for whom